Ah, the edge of becoming. The place where transformations are born. The threshold to the further journey.

Who wouldn’t want to be invited to someplace that sounds so alluring and promising? But when you’re being called to the edge it actually feels more like this…

I have a nice life but it doesn’t feel complete and that makes me feel selfish and ungrateful.

It looks like I’ve got it all figured out on the surface, but there are questions just underneath that make me feel restless.

I’m too afraid to ask the questions that are pressing on my heart because of what the answers might be and what that might mean.

I have a strong spirit and know there’s something more I’m meant to do in this world, I’m just not sure what it is.

I feel like I’m losing my mind or maybe I’m just having a midlife crisis. I need something to change, but I’m not entirely sure what it would be.

I’ve never felt so homesick, but I’m not exactly sure what I’m homesick for.

I hardly know how to explain what I’m feeling so I’m not saying anything to anyone about this.

Few places are as exhilarating or as frightening as the heart-pounding edge of becoming.

That place where you’re fighting through the uncomfortable unknown on your way to discovering some new aspect about yourself. It’s hard to tolerate the tension that exists in the gap between where you are and where your soul is calling you to be. And it’s hard to resist the strong pull of familiar ground, which can feel like a comfortable and, perhaps, responsible retreat when you can’t yet see the destination.

What if I told you that on the other side of that tension, through the further journey, there awaits a sacred reorder that will fulfill your deepest longings? That you just have to get in tune to hear the whispers from your soul and live in the mystery long enough to enjoy the unveiling. Would you be brave enough to cross the threshold?

I’m Becki, a project manager and adult educator, turned singer-songwriter, musical entrepreneur, certified life purpose coach, and overall catalyst for creative action. I’ve been embracing the edge my entire life. From a straight-laced project manager at the White House Office of Management and Budget where tight control, direct routes, and efficiency were the name of the game to living life as a musician where going with the flow, endless exploration, and slow time are key ingredients. I’ve heard the whispers from my soul. I’ve felt how empowering it is to chase them down. And I know how frightening, disorienting, and ultimately rewarding it can be when you commit to getting in tune.

I help soul seekers just like you who are embracing the edge of becoming or navigating the further journey.

Together we make sense of the liminal space between the now and not yet to find your highest path from a life that is known to the unknown life that is calling you forward. I’m here to help you hold the tension and to guide you through with techniques that can quiet the noise so that you can hear the whispers from your soul and embrace the twists and turns along the way. I can help you find peace on the edge.

 A little bit of mystical woo and a whole lot of practical tools.

“Digging into my core values with Becki led me directly to a wellspring of truth. All of a sudden it became very clear why certain things in my life felt in alignment and brought me greater joy, which made it easier for me to identify more opportunities that had those same qualities. But it didn’t stop there – naming and defining my core values also allowed me to see what needed to change so that I could bring those areas of my life that weren’t as fulfilling into greater flow.”

– Katherine